Basically, if you want people to pay you money, they must first pay you attention. Before you win the hearts and minds of consumers, you must first win eyes and ears.
We have many ways to say it, but it all comes down to one thing: If your ad is not noticed and remembered, everything else is academic. That is why creative matters, it is what gets your noticed and remembered. According to a recent study of 500 campaigns by Nielsen (see below), it has been proven that creative drives almost 50% of ROI, coming first above reach, brand and targeting.

Think about your favourite ads of all time, what do you remember? The station? The schedule? The time or date? No.
You remember the ad itself and how it made you feel. That is what great Creative does, it shines the spotlight on you and leaves your competitors in the dark. It lives long in the memory, stretching way beyond the lifespan of your airtime and makes your money go further.